Tuesday, December 27, 2005


Actually, I don't care much for how you are at the moment.
It's 1AM. I can't sleep. I'm bored and uninspired.
Someone please entertain me.
I probably should be packing for the flight on Sunday but I don't want to because it's just going to make me fret about stupid, dumb things like whether or not our pilot is or ever was suicidal or a drunkard or, even worse, a suicidal drunkard.
I have no interest in reading at the moment (shocking, isn't it?). I don't feel like watching one of my 50 backlogged episodes of Oprah that I have Tivo'd (I need to start clearing up space in order to record my favorite programs while I'm on vacation).
Okay, I'm so bored that now I'm sleepy.
I promise to post something not so random and uncool tomorrow.
Adios and tata,


Nefertiti said...

lol. TOTALLY my night every night in Michigan.

Cyberfish said...

im suffering from the same thing