Friday, October 17, 2008



I know I haven't been around very much these days--blame the boyfriend for that...who knew being in a relationship would be so time consuming (and he doesn't even post comments anymore! DIOS MIO!)???--and my postings have been, at best, sporadic but, seriously, kittens, where did you go? I beg you to climb out of the car engines you've crawled inside to keep warm during the long stretches of my absence from the blogosphere. They are bone-chilling times, indeed, but I give you my word: I'll keep you warm. Return to me and I'll keep you warm.


Anonymous said...

still here. still reads, avidly.

is a lazy commenter.

Anonymous said...

When you dont post, we dont read. I think if you were more forthcoming about whats going on with your family and relationship people would be more interested.

I dont think people much care that your have a sony reader, esp when you thats like your only post in a month.

Anonymous said...

gotta admit to feeling a tad neglected...