Thursday, April 03, 2008


Special prize* for anyone who finds MP's favorite (and, certainly, the most ironic for us) paragraph from this provocative article about intteracial marriages in good ol' Manada.

*And by special prize, I actually mean no prize. Sorry.


Anonymous said...

MP is a Kala? Sharam Karo. Kala ke saath dating shating? Rundee.

SabilaK said...

You're a racist-idiot-fool, Anonymous. Stop calling me awful names in Urdu (or is that Punajabi?)! No prize for you, obviously.

Anonymous said...

"In contrast, South Asians and Chinese are among the least likely to form a union outside their group."

Not the same anonymous as above.

Anonymous said...

How is the article provocative? Sorry, am I missing something?

nusrat.k said...

I think anonymous #1 is intimidated and a little insecure about what "Kala's" have and he doesn't.

Anonymous said...

I'll guess this one:
"In contrast, South Asians and Chinese are among the least likely to form a union outside their group."

Anonymous said...

Hey! Anon Pinhead #1....
nuts - how do you say "Bite me you racist moron" in urdu?

Anonymous said...


i love you bigkahuna!

and why hasn't MP commented on your blog?

SabilaK said...

I love you too BK! He's the walking, talking definition of upstanding.

APD: now that he's my bf, MP's decided to keep a low profile. Canadians. Go figure.

MP: I love you, baby.

Anonymous said...

I'll be in NYC next weekend...FOR GOD'S SAKE SABILA....PLEASE let me know you care!

MP::: I told're in charge of making sure we meet up. My phone number is on my FB profile.

Anonymous said...

Im black so dont think i racist

but is he black, or is he white, or what. dis really confusin da shit out of me