Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Rich emailed me and a couple other NYU alums with the following email (and yes, that quote from Brokeback Mountain accompanied his email)...guys, while the above is the pic that accompanied the article, do click on the link to read about these delightfully nerdy AP English nerds:

These kids are never going to have sex EVER.

Rich xoxo

"You're too much for me, Ennis, you son of a whoreson bitch. I wish I knew how to quit you."

To which EH replied:

What are you talking about?? I was those kids and even I eventually got laid (admittedly to a psycho in a relationship that lasted for far too long but still sex was had). I'm still sorry I got rid of my awesome Spock sweatshirt. Damn.

Rich's response:

I just can't stop looking at the picture. "We used the trusty Internet..." Oh my.

And my two cents about the pic:

Who's that punk in the t-shirt supposed to be? (because really, were there t-shirts around in the Victorian times????? I DON'T THINK SO!)

Rich: I have no idea who tee-shirt dude is! -- isn't he HILARIOUS though?!
And then Rich proceeded to describe a female somebody he knows with the following aside, which reminded me why I love the boy so much (it's an answer to his question of why this particular female is not a male):

(Oh, right, because you're a woman, and according to Freud women will never have superegos because they'll never resolve their castration complex unless they have a child and that child is a son. Oh, Freud. But, simmer down, ladies -- let's remember that Freud imagined the world not as it should be but as it was, within a patriarchal construct, and it's our job as social innovators to pose the riposte of "Well, why is it this way, Siggy?" Plus, he's just such a fucking HOOT to read.)

All this was a reminder that Rich is my favorite nerd and I miss him terribly.

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