Tuesday, November 28, 2006


60 is the new 40 and cosmetic surgery is the new black. I don't know about you kids but I'm totally jumping on the lunchtime lipo bandwagon when I'm 40…or 30…ahem...

In other news, 10 is the new 15, 30 is the new 20(according to JayZ, anyway) and early is the new late (a 2005 Boston Globe article revealed that Americans are doing chores that they would have relegated to the late afternoon in the early AM…but it has been a year since the article and I wonder if late is, in fact, the new early).


Jill said...

I'm glad that 30 is the new 20, because I am way to immature for this. My mom already had three kids by my age.

M@ said...

I heard that JayZ with the 30 being the new 20!

That's how I feel at 31. Get out of my way, youngsters!

Terra Shield said...

Woo hoo! A few more years of being a total goof!

Dances around happily :D