Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Dear lady who followed me into the lady's room at work yesterday:

I don't hate you but I don't like you either.

I mean, seriously, did you HAVE to use the stall next to the stall I walked into? Weren't there 8 other stalls from which to choose? Your right foot-in-a-sandal was in plain sight and I was painfully aware of the fact that you could see my left-foot-in-a-heel, which led me to feel very self-conscious about peeing in a stall next to a stranger, which, in turn, made me muse for a moment about the public toilet phenomenon and how bizarre it is, really, to, essentially, take a piss in a room-full of people.

You made the experience a wholly distressing one and I'm very unhappy about it.

Next time, if you are trailing me into a mostly empty lady's room, please consider settling for a stall that is not next to my stall and preferablly on the opposite end of the bathroom.

Thanks for your consideration in this most delicate matter.



Anonymous said...

Ummm..it was only your foot...LOL I think you need to relax a bit.. Its not like you're some kinda freak for having to piss...LOL

Anonymous said...

Maybe it was her favorite stall, and it was you who distressed her by choosing the one next to 'hers' LOL She could, afterall, see your foot too... :P

Terra Shield said...

Privacy is of key importance when visiting the loo...

I get stressed out even when there are people mulling outside the stall waiting for their turn!

Anonymous said...

agreed, and that's why I pee in the privacy of the bushes

mist1 said...

I hate that. I don't want anyone to be able to see my foot. I can't relax that way. And since I don't sit, I need to be able to relax to um...go.

Anonymous said...

Also please people take off your access badge/name tag when you visit the loo. I hate it when I can see your badge right next to your foot and I can associate the noises everytime I see you in the hallway.

Baraka said...

Very amusing! :)

King Rich said...

Well, at least there wasn't a "What lovely weather we're having" awkward toilet stall conversation initiated. Or the always amusing, "so, what cha doin' in there?"

SabilaK said...

A1: My foot, my soul, whatever. I feel EXPOSED, man. Clearly, I need a private loo at work.

SabilaK said...

A2: Everyone knows that the last stall on the right side of the lady's room (it's the right side and the last stall when a Penguin is walking in from the north side bathroom door; when entering from the south side entrance, it's the first stall on the left side) is my fave!!!

SabilaK said...

TS, P, & A3: Personal space in a public restroom is of the utmost importance.
A3: I peed in the bushes once and it was an extremely liberating experience. I highly recommend it.

SabilaK said...

mist1: tell me about it.

SabilaK said...

gillbhai: how unfortunate.

SabilaK said...

Baraka: thanks!
KT: Oh, crazy urinal talk!