Saturday, April 08, 2006


I have a feeling that I'm going to put up a number of new posts today for the following reasons:

1) it's raining monkeys outside and one can't do much when it's raining monkeys.
2) I, the Nerd, woke up at 11:40AM on this Saturday morning (QUITE unbelievable, I know!) and am liking this feeling of lazing around (QUITE unbelievable, I know!).
3) I just realized how much I heart the verb "laze." I encourage you, dear reader, to use it in a sentence today. It just rolls off the tongue perfectly: laaaazzzze.
4) must I REALLY run in the morning on weekends? Why not shake things up a little and run on a Saturday night? Running at night will be very nice, I think.
5) it's raining monkeys outside and one really doesn't have to do much when it's raining monkeys.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you could chase the monkeys..