Friday, June 27, 2008


Apparently, I've received a proposal from a friend of a family friend, who, along with his mother, saw me at some random desi gathering. For the record, a proper Pakistani girl isn't supposed to date (especially not non Desi men), so my folks have been keeping MP on the downlow for the time being--"until things are more permanent," they say. For the time being, they've been reacting to random proposals such as this by, first asking me what they should say (secretly hoping that I either flash them a diamond on my left ring finger, announcing that MP's finally proposed, making things so permenant), then giving me a lecture about waiting too long to get engaged, and, finally, deciding that they will tell the following story: we (ie, my folks) are in talks with a family (ie, MP's folks) in Canada, who have a nice, decent lawyer son in Manhattan, and since talks have gotten so serious, it would be wrong for us (ie my folks) to look at other prospective suitors.


Anonymous said...

I am SO proud of your parents.


Anonymous said...

haha been there... classic.

Anonymous said...

Solid response.
So, need any help getting MP off the dime? Laid-back Canadians may need a gentle SHOVE. Some of us are more than happy to assist ;-)

Anonymous said...

Although nothing to do with your blog, I thought you might like this:

Anonymous said...

*ahem* MP; HINT HINT.

See Bee said...

hmm..n i thot this only happened to asians IN asia....most interesting. guess things r only 'permanenet' for asian moms when ur married - till then - they will hush things up and

ive reached a stage now where i dont react to or fight with mom. nor do i expect the bf to speeden things up. and things just fizzle out on the 'naya rishta' front - so its not so bad.

hang in there...dont let it stress u out...