Thursday, June 26, 2008


As many of you already know, I'm a pesco-ovo-lacto vegetarian (never eat something you can potentially befriend, I say...and, yes, I'm still trying to figure out how realistic a friendship with marine life or a vegan lifestyle is). Because of these dietary restrictions, when I go out to eat, I prefer going to vegetarian/macrobiotic/vegan restaurants because, hey, there's nothing like pork medallions made from the chewy goodness that is seitan (and when would a good Muslim girl like me ever get to "taste pork" anyway?).

Thankfully, MP is a pretty adventurous eater and doesn't mind vegetarian/macrobiotic/vegan fare (plus, he went to college in Vancouver, which, according to him, is, like, the capital of vegetarian/macrobiotic/vegan restaurants and a crunchy lifestyle). We almost always eat at vegetarian/macrobiotic/vegan resturants. Our current favorite, Pure Food & Wine, is raw as well as vegan, which makes it even better!

Suffice it to say, I've been spoiled, so, these days, I expect everyone to share in my enthusiasm for vegetarian/macrobiotic/vegan food. Is there anyone in Manhattan who doesn't like raw vegan? Recently, my very incorrect answer to this question, especially when scheduling business lunches, has been, OF COURSE NOT! The consequence is, of course, a distinctly disappointed business associate poking at his or her spelt noodles, while I, drowning in a sea of guilt, ask over and over again whether or not he or she is enjoying the delicious and (oh so very) nutritious food.

One would assume that I'd learn my lesson after the first or second time this happened. I assure you, reader, this is not true. It's almost as if I can't help myself from strong-arming my business dates, my friends, my parents (anyone who's willing to join me at a meal, really) into eating at vegetarian/macrobiotic/vegan restuarants. So, beware the next time you agree to eat with me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have recently gone ovo-lacto vegetarian, and might try out the vegan lifestyle. Its much easier being a vegetarian when you live alone, more so when you are a Muslim. I will be heading back home in a month, and I doubt if it will be practical to avoid meat over there.

Out of curiosity: You are the first Muslim vegetarian that I have come across; does the concept of qurbani trouble you at all? When you start to respect all kinds of life, its a bit troubling to see the mass slaughtering of animals like that.