Tuesday, July 24, 2007


I broke out into hives on my arms and legs this weekend. I've never had hives before, so it was at once a fascinating and disconcerting experience. Now, while I've been blaming the breakout on the excitement surrounding Harry Potter, which seems to me the most romantic of psychosomatic causes for hives, the likeliest culprit is my new collection of glittery moisturizers purchased from Bath & Body Works, an establishment that I hadn't visited since, geeze, probably high school. However, a flurry of banners announcing a sick, ridiculous sale a couple of weeks ago at the Bath & Body Works at my local mall inspired me to walk out of the store with $150 worth of products at a third of the price, which was very satisfying. I was so thrilled with my deliciously-scented purchases that I ignored the burning sensation the glittery moisturizers caused each and every time I used them.

I supposed I deserve these hives, then. While they're a lot less fierce than they were over the weekend, translucent bumps are still sprinkled over my limbs, a lovely detail which I'm sure my readers appreciate.

I did learn a lesson from this experience though: never again will I stray from Bliss products.


Anonymous said...

Products Products. Thum Shaadi Karo! Why do you need these things. get a husband and start your life. I dont understand why children these days can not keep priorities straight. Wait you are not a child you are a woman. At your age i had all 5 of my children.

Anonymous said...

Lol! Even aunties are reading your blog!!!

Anonymous said...

Aunties are good at one thing and thats preaching to others. Whatever let her be in her loveless marriage with her five kids that she has no clue what they are up to and cant relate to.

Anonymous said...

you dont tell me alright. You dont need love to be marriage. Those things come and go. Look at people getting divorced all over with the white people they have love where does it go. I know i have house and husband. I go to pakistan every year for one month in December and we have dinner parties almost every weekend. that is what life is about.

I know my children would never go on vacations with boys and girls.

Anonymous said...

Is Auntie Anon a ghost writer for the FOB boat?
Man, that is funny stuff...

SabilaK said...

I wouldn't be surprised if Auntie Anon is actually related to me. Tsk.