Monday, July 09, 2007


According to a relative who shall remain unnamed (she asked to remain anonymous; she's weary of my blog, apparently), I'm doing a great disservice to my family, myself, and the WORLD, by not getting hitched and tapping into those fast-curdling eggs. Time is unkind, she tells me and, pretty soon, my looks will fade (I AM 28, after all!), all my friends will be married and I'll be alone. Aging is always accompanied by a rapid evaporation of that pool of eligible bachelors--which, in my case, is already rather shallow (I AM 28, after all!)--and, well, I'm screwed if I waste another minute so I should let my relatives set me up.

Plus, I really shouldn't be blogging about taking holidays with--shudder--boys!

This is where I hang up.

The end. :)


Anonymous said...

oh the rate we're going (and you know who i mean), we'll be ugly with shriveled up eggs together. no need to think you'll be alone in that boat. i'm sure you take great solace in that thought.


SabilaK said...

My number one concern right now is owning luxurious real estate around the world.

I can't help it if being in a meaningful relationship ranked #12 in my top 10 passions (as revealed by The Passion Test, pubbing this Fall!)

Richie said...

Real estate in Maine!

Richie said...

Oh, and Daniel Radcliffe turns 18 in, like, a few weeks, I think I read, and he might be single.

Anonymous said...

Your relative is right about the 'blogging about the boy-holidays'. It's a shame that in your zeal/pursuit of an identity you feel rationalizes your current existence you cannot see this. Maybe one day. Then again, maybe not?

SabilaK said...

Anonymous: what the eff are you talking about?

SabilaK said...

And what exactly is wrong with my "current existence" other than the fact that my hip is a bit stiff at the moment?

Anonymous said...

You're a cutie, inside and out. You've got it right - life live - love will happen.

Anonymous said...

Wanna talk? and I am serious.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

anonymous: What are you talking about?! lol.

"life live"? What does that mean?

SabilaK said...

Of course, he meant "live life."

Anonymous said...

Wow, the sex of your vactation partner seems to be a huge topic. Do your parents have a problem with you going on holiday with a "boy"?

SabilaK said...

Ah, no.
But some of my readers sure do seem to have a problem.

Anonymous said...

The real question is: Is it anyone's concern who you should be going anywhere with?

State Of Impurity said...

Does the pool evaporate for aging guys their case ofcourse, of eligible bachelorettes...or are they immune to this phenomenon?

Anonymous said...

Sabahat - the concern probably stems of readers concerns at the path Sabilak's life is veering towards. But you're right; what should it matter to anyone whether or not she ruins her life.

Anonymous said...


Whether or not "she ruins her life"? And, pray tell, who the hell do you think you are to be so damn concerned about that?! Her life and choices are of no concern to you. And don't think otherwise for a second. Seems like you have enough issues of your own to worry get to them please.

Now, please do us all a favor and climb back under that rock...

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous,

(The poster who wants the other Anonymous (not me!) to crawl under a rock). Your particular use of the English language makes me suspect you have recently arrived here from South-East Asia. Am I correct?

Anonymous said...

To those with a stick up their ass:

Being Asian and female myself, I understand Sabila’s point of view. Yes, we want to make our parents happy and don’t want to disappoint them. Yes, we want to be good daughters our parents could be proud of. However, we also want to be our own person with our own identities. So, if you want to live a life that would be approved by everyone else and makes them happy, then go for it. THere's nothing wrong with that. But, do not chide those who decide to take a different path and concentrate on what makes them happy.

Sabila is a good person. She graduated from school, has a successful career and has never been knocked up, addicted to drugs or thrown in jail. If you think there is something wrong with that, then there’s obviously something wrong with you.

You get one shot at this life. It’s up to you if you want to spend it seeking approval or seeking personal happiness. In either situation, a life isn't ruined.


Anonymous said...

Dear, beloved anonymous,

What in my last post, according to your extensive knowledge of the English language, makes you suspect that I have recently arrived here? I am shocked! You are so right! I have indeed just arrived here...if, in your eyes, being here for 26 years constitutes "just". lol. Nice try though. Better luck next time...

Anonymous said...

Rachel - you may be asian and a female, but the point is that you're not a MUSLIM asian female. However, if you take religion out of the equation (as I believe Sabilak has), then I completely agree with you.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous (do you have an actual name?) - All I can say is that if you represent the the kind of "good" Muslim boys Sabila's family wants to set her up with, it's pretty safe to assume Sabila isn't going to get married anytime soon. If she does, it's only because she's settling. I've know her for a number of years though, and I know she isn't going to settle.

Quick question for you think it's better to be unhappily married and strapped down with kids when you aren't ready, but be considered a good Muslim by everyone? Or is it better to be happy with life as it is, find someone for yourself and move at your own pace?


Anonymous said...

Wait a minute; so you're saying that marrying a decent, God-fearing Muslim boy is 'settling'?? Wow, I guess you really do have issues with Islam..

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute; so you're saying that marrying a decent, God-fearing Muslim boy is 'settling'?? Wow, I guess you really do have issues with Islam..

Anonymous said...

Dear All,

You guys need to CHILL!


Anonymous said...

Anonymous (I guess you don't have a name) - I'm not saying that at all. There definitely isn't anyting wrong with being decent. And there's nothing wrong with being God-fearing Muslim boy if that's what you believe in. It's the narrow minded train of thought that can be an issue. Judging and chiding someone just because they don't follow what a majority of the community thinks is right does no good. Who are you to say someone is ruining their life for not doing what is expected by everyone else?

As for me having issues with Islam...I don't even know how that came about. Think what you like. You proably already think I'm an uneducated whore that's a disgrace to my family. If you want to add "Islam Hater" to that, be my guest.


Anonymous said...

I thought none of those things. But hey, if that's how you want to characterize yourself, knock your self out!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous - Apparently your narrow mindedness doesn't recognize a thing called sarcasm. It's all the rage these days! I guess that isn't your schtick though since you're still stuck in a time when getting married and having kids in your early 20's is THE thing to do.


Anonymous said...

I love Rachel, you GO girl!

Anonymous said...

Oh darling Rachel, haven't you heard?? Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit...

Feel free to indulge to your heart's content. It only allows your bitterness/hatred to better shine through.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous - do realize you just used sarcaasm when you addressed me as "darling Rachel", right? Anyway, this is where I end things because, well, you're just boring me at this point. So, enjoy married life and making all your children's choices for them. Hopefully they'll have one original thought in their lifetime. I'd hope the same for you, but that would be pointless. Rock on with your "decent, God-fearing" life while I continue with my wasted, ruined life with my sacreligious and hedonistic ways. least I'll be happy. Toodles.


SabilaK said...

Well, Rach sure did OWN Anonymous in this round.

Anonymous said...

Oh Sabilak...the sarcasm of your 'bff' was juvenile, her wit uninspired and reasoning frankly pedestrian. Then again, why would I not be surprised at your bias towards her?? You've chosen cultural sides after all...

SabilaK said...

Anonymous: you're an idiot of the highest order. Moving forward, I will no longer be publishing any of your inane, spiteful, and ill-informed comments. If you don't like me, my friends, or my blog, STOP READING IT.
Have a nice life, whoever the hell you are.