Wednesday, February 15, 2006

GREAT NEWS (or not so much)!

Background info: Y is my archenemy.

Mom: X had some good news for us today.
Nerd: Really, what was it?
Mom: Her daughter, Y's boyfriend propsed to her.
Nerd: Wow. That's great.
Mom: He gave her a huge ring.
Nerd: Really?
Mom: X was glowing. GLOWING. She was so thrilled.
Nerd: As she should be. That's some news.
Mom: Y's fiance is from such a good family. Such a good boy.
Nerd: Very good.
Mom: Very tall, too. He's getting his PhD.
Nerd: He sounds great.
Mom: His dad is a surgeon.
Nerd: How accomplished
(Silence as we watch American Idol)
(Commercial Break)
Mom: The wedding, it's going to be in India because X and her husband wanted it to be in India.
Nerd: Really.
Mom: Y's future mother-in-law had four diamond sets (Indian and Pakistani brides receive tons of jewelry
from their parents, inlaws, aunts, uncles, older cousins...basically, everyone you can think of) made for her. And of course she's going to buy some more jewelry from India.
Nerd: Ahan.
Mom: Really, X looked soooo happy.
Nerd: Yah?
Mom: Can you believe Y is done with her MBA already?
Nerd: Nope.
Mom: She JUST started. Now she's almost done with her MBA AND engaged!
Nerd: Great.
Mom: Did I tell you that the ring is HUGE
Nerd: Yah.
(Silence as American Idol stars up again)
(Commercial Break)
Mom: Now X is busy getting preparing for the wedding.
Nerd: (nodding)
Mom: The wedding is in December.
Mom: I suppose they're going to go to India in November some time.
Mom: She's getting married at a good age. 27 is a great age to get married.
Nerd: (getting up)
Mom: They can have their first baby before she's 30.
Nerd: (walking out of the room)
Mom: Actually, they can have TWO babies before she's 30!
Nerd: Yah, so there's something I have to do...
Mom: Hey, don't you want to finish watching American Idol?
Nerd: (from the other room) Um. Not so much. Bye!


Nefertiti said...

LOL. HAHAHAHAHAHAH. that's so typical of desi parents....comparing their child to others....

i swear.....i HATED that when i was a kid. now i'm all...."why don't *you* adopt her."


Nefertiti said...

sabila...have a message for ya...

Dear Sasha,

Can you relay the following information to Sabila please:

Tracking No. 1Z 82W W76 66 7600 776 3

It's a valentine's card, and it was signed by the mail room - but somehow I think it didn't get to her. Can you please relay this info to her and then kindly delete this post?

Kindly appreciated.

I'm sorry to put you in the middle of this, but it probably isn't the best idea to post this info in her blog.

Nefertiti said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
SabilaK said...

Ah, okay. I'll ask my mail room at work then???

SabilaK said...

Wait. That was my SA right?

SabilaK said...

Tell him I didn't get it because he sent it to the wrong address.

Nefertiti said...

uhhhh. he knows where you work? thought you said you didn't wanna be stalked..and for goodness sake, exchange e-mail addresses already will you two?

Nefertiti said...

I say.....stalk your stalker.
