Sunday, February 26, 2006


The nerd, upon looking more closely at the hugging bunnies, apologizes for the gay artwork used in the post below.
I'm sorry.
I should've used something that wasn't quite as blatantly lame ass.


Nefertiti said...

warning::::: there's an ass-wipe doing some hater-aid on the comments on my blog. Just warning you in case he/she decides to venture here.

[] said...

what i want to know is...why does the male bunny have to be naked? i didn't traverse here to see male bunny nudity. that green dress has gotta go.

and i like how even the brown male bunny is after the white female bunny ass.

SabilaK said...

Aha. I'm actually starting to see this illustration as a response to the blatant misogyny in today's media: scantily clad, stripper women getting all jiggy with rappers in music videos; the recent Vanity Fair cover in which Keira Knightley and Scarlett Johansson are naked while Tom Ford is fully clothed. Even Beyonce feels the need to twitter around an almost stoic JayZ in the "Crazy in Love" video (I was so offended by that).
So, maybe, on second thought, I heart these bunnies in love, after all! More power to them!