Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Yes, ladies and gents, it's that special time again! Test your knowledge of the Nerddd with this brand-spanking-new test. Don't be shy! Share your results and your thoughts about the test with us!
And, all of you overachievers can take the first two tests here and here.


Anonymous said...

As much as I enjoyed the first two test do we really need a third one so soon?

And where the #%&! is MP???

SabilaK said...

What can I say Anonymous? It's been slow here in Nerds-ville. Though, I should probably say something about those wildly inappropriate dreams I had about folks I should not be dreaming about...
or maybe not.

The test is fun. Please take the test.

MP, my readers heart you! Where'd you go?

Anonymous said...

i flunked royally with a 10% :'(

Anonymous said...

Don't feel too bad kinza, a just scored a 30% ...

Dearest Sabilak - I hope this doesn't mean the wedding's off? I mean, where will your readers go for their live-blogging wedding needs (especially after Rich got cold feet)? And so what if I thought you were an iphone girl who swears incessantly while drinking (apparantly any kind of) juice? We can work it out ...

SabilaK said...

Wow, my readers aren't faring too well with this test.

SabilaK said...

Et tu, MP?