Sunday, February 26, 2006


My otherwise wonderful, intelligent and open-minded male friend said the following to me in conversation today.

"You are a truly great girl but I don't know if the whole intellectual approach will be entirely appreciated by most guys. Obviously there are exceptions but what desi (desi means Indian or Pakistani) guys have read and appreciated AS I LAY DYING?"



Anonymous said...

This depends. Some guys may find this attractive; although, personal relationships should interact less like professional ones.

Most guys are interested in what's in your heart, then your mind. The intellectual connection is equally important, but in the end, it's not your brains that fall in love with each other.

Nefertiti said...

i agree. and desi guys are CHUTIAS who have no clue what they want. They want the typical pakistani girl but chase/mess around with/look at the Gori girls.

Anonymous said...

I could not have said it better myself, wrongdoerz.
Just because you're smarter than the average desi guy doesnt mean they should be intimidated by your intelligence.

Everything has a time and a place or is that just something girls tell themselves to make themselves feel better

Abstracting Silliness said...

wrongdoerz: lol.. nice one

"[...]I don't know if the whole intellectual approach will be entirely appreciated by most guys"

Alas it goes beyond that... even the whole nerd thing won't be appreciated by most people.

If one chooses to get one's "nerd on" most people won't be able to have a conversation there cos there is a disconnect. They wouldn't know what the f*** i am talking about when I try to express the themes Miyazaki has across all this movies. It draws nothing but a blank face and a polite "uh-huh" a "oh really" and a cruel "is that so" before the topic gets changed or they make a beeline for another drink :(

Its not just a desi thing but generally people have better familiarity with latest desi movies, action flix and silly comedies like White Chicks than with the nerdy interest du jour.

Despite all of this, it don't mean that you exorcise the nerd within, or become a closet nerd but rather have to work a little harder and take a smarter approach knowing that most of the population out there are dumb f***s.

Anonymous said...

Just keep it real. If people don't appreciate you for who you are then f*ck 'em. Besides, are you really interested in attracting *most guys* (hence Wrongdoerz refrence to the typical CHUTIAS - no idea what that means btw), or are you looking for something a little more deeply rooted. Pense about it.

SabilaK said...

Oh, I know exactly what I'm looking for and who I am and will not change myself to fit someone's image of the perfect girl. What's more, I think I'm rather charming (nerdiness and all), dammit!
The thing that really tickled me though was how my friend called my nerdiness/intelligence an "approach." I'm not following a game plan when I meet people; I'm just being myself. Maybe I'm the naive one or just haven't been made privy to the news flash that went out to the human race, but when did all of this become a game requiring strategy?

Nefertiti said...

to me it just means that the right guy hasn't come along who will appreciate everything about you and cherish you. And not all desi guys are chutias, i'm just referring to some who don't know what they want.

sabila knows what/who I'm talking about.


SabilaK said...

What exactly does "chutia" mean anyway?

SabilaK said...

I always thought it meant "ant," which made a friend of mine crack up. I don't remember whether or not he, in his gentlemanliness, told me what it exactly meant though.

SabilaK said...

Actually, I thought it was the plural of "ant."

Anonymous said...

sigh... refer to for meaning of said word...

btw ant is choonti ("o"s and an "n") and the plural would be choontia (?)

SabilaK said...


Nefertiti said...

i have no clue what it means...i just know it's a bad word and when i say it my parents freak out.


SabilaK said...

I'm gonna try saying it in front of my parents tonight.

Cyberfish said...

The only thing that frightens me more than an intelligent woman is spending the rest of my life in unremitting boredom.

[] said...

what desi guy? oh i know this one, alex!

what arnaz?

SabilaK said...

You forgot the "WACKA, WACKA, WACKA!"